Marginal Gains

How to create a hill chart in Lucidchart

Hill charts is a great tool to visually communicate the progress of complex undertaking that involve distinct problem-solving and execution phases. It was conceived at Basecamp and is an excellent tool in my arsenal, even though I do not use their software. Feel free to learn more about hill charts at

I hated the idea of having my work stuff spread across a multitude of tools, so I figured out a way to make hill charts in Lucidchart (my diagramming service of choice). Here is a step-by-step guide:

Step 1. Add a standard line to the canvas and modify its thickness, curvature type, and style

Marginal Gains

Step 2. Adjust its length and make the actual hill by dragging the central point upwards

Marginal Gains

Step 3. Modify the curves and flatness of the hill to make it look more visually appealing

Marginal Gains

Step 4. Add a dashed vertical line to separate the chart into two zones. Note: if you need to center it out with a high level of precision, drag the top point of the hill left or right

Marginal Gains

Step 5. Add a horizontal line

Marginal Gains

Step 6. Add the labels for each of the areas

Marginal Gains

Step 7. Add colored dots and text to indicate different tasks or resources

Marginal Gains

Step 8. Group the resources (dot + text pairs) and place them on the hill chart to reflect the progress made

Marginal Gains

That's it! Here is what the result looks like:

Marginal Gains